Julie Blanc (Graphic design, code & research)

{ @media print }

Making books from web code


Rhode Island School of Design, Septembre 14th, 2024

Web as a publishing technology

Web as a publishing technology

(Tim Berners-Lee)

Web as a publishing technology
“The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents”

Tim Berners-Lee

Web as a publishing technology
“The [WWW] project is based on the philosophy that much academic information should be freely available to anyone”

Tim Berners-Lee

Web as a publishing technology
Web as a publishing technology


Hypertext Markup Language


Web as a publishing technology
Web as a publishing technology


Cascading Style Sheets


Web as a publishing technology
Web as a publishing technology
Web as a publishing technology

Separation of content and presentation

Web as a publishing technology

Responsive design with CSS media queries

@media screen and (min-width: 1080px){...}
Web as a publishing technology

Current browsers consider the computer screen to be the primary presentation target, but [CSS] has the potential of supporting many output media, e.g. paper, speech and braille.

Web as a publishing technology

Responsive design = screen + print + ...

@media print{...}

Creating PDF with the browser

Creating PDF with the browser

Open Source Publishing

Graphic design with free and open source softwares (F/LOSS)

Creating PDF with the browser

Theatre program: La Balsamine, 2013–2014

Open Source Publishing

Creating PDF with the browser

Book: Wim Nijenhuis The Riddle of the Real city, 2017

Open Source Publishing

Using CSS for print

Using CSS for print

How to deal with the text flow between pages ?

Using CSS for print

What about features that exist in print design but not on the web?

Running headers, page number, facing pages, page float, etc.

Using CSS for print

W3C standards actually deal with printed features

Using CSS for print
Using CSS for print
Using CSS for print
Using CSS for print
Using CSS for print

A free and open source JavaScript library that paginates content in browser to create PDF outputs of any HTML content

Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (Coko)
Adam Hyde, Fred Chasen, Julien Taquet


Open-source (MIT licence)

Based on web standards

Visual preview in the browser





An example

Rechtstexte & Zeitschriften journals (2023)


Just adding Paged.js (no CSS)


Adding CSS


Parametric layout


Multisupport Publishing

Multisupport Publishing

Single source publishing

Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing


Multisupport Publishing

Antoon Van Dyck, catalogue raisonné des tableaux du musée du Louvre, 2023Design graphique et développement: Nicolas Taffin, Julien Taquet et Agathe Baëz

Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing
Multisupport Publishing

Experimental publishing

Experimental publishing
Mapping the Power Dynamics Behind Ctrl+P (zine)

Zine made in 3h during PrePostPrint Publishing Partyline,
@Varia, Rotteram 14-15th october 2022

Experimental publishing

Using collaborative pads for the code

Experimental publishing
Experimental publishing
Experimental publishing

Script Text dilatation by Raphaël Bastide

Experimental publishing

Hybridizing media

Using the camera to integrate background in images (Julien Bidoret)

Workshop L'idéal anarchique, maisons des éditions, 13-18 novembre 2021

Experimental publishing

Build your own tools

Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Build your own tools
Bifurcation/s → Visual interface

Adding visual interface

Guidelines, imposition, preview, ...

Build your own tools
Bifurcation/s → Scripts

Home-made script for imposition

Build your own tools
Bifurcation/s → Scripts

Home-made script for typesetting

Build your own tools
Bifurcation/s → Scripts

Script for hyphenation (Hyphenopoly.js)

Build your own tools
Bifurcation/s → Workflow

Light workflow

with Eleventy.js (CMS)

Build your own tools
Parametric printing tools

Creating parametric printing tools

Build your own tools
Parametric printing tools

Parametric interface project for printing scientific articles
(exploratory project by Julien Taquet)

Build your own tools
Scripts for layout

Improving layout possibilities with scripts

Build your own tools
Scripts for layout
Build your own tools
Scripts for layout
Build your own tools

Handlers and hooks

Scripts for layout
Build your own tools
Scripts for layout
Build your own tools
Scripts for layout
Build your own tools
Create pluggins

Community level → create pluggins

Build your own tools
Create pluggins
Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Designing new CSS specifications

Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Only footnotes are possible in CSS (W3C specifications)

Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Journal Bifurcation/s, coming soon (2024) / Graphic design: Julie Blanc

Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Mourat & all, Le champs des possibles, 369 éditions, 2023 / Graphic design: Sarah Garcin

Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Wim Nijenhuis, The Riddle of the Real city, 2017 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Working on new specifications for CSS notes

Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications
Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications
Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications
Build your own tools
Designing new CSS specifications

Theorical & critical background

Theorical & critical background

of free software
and open source

Theorical & critical background

Free/Libre Open Source software (F/LOSS)

  • Ability to inspect, modify and duplicate source code
  • Open license


  • Collaboration
  • Promoting an active, creative relationship with technical objects
  • Collective learning
Theorical & critical background


The use of web technologies enables graphic designers to benefit from the collaborative work ecosystem of the programming professions (git, forum, codepen, jsfiddle...).

Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web

Low tech & radical web

Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
  • Lightweight code Web technologies (HTML, CSS) are inherently light.
  • Reducing dependencies Avoid using heavy frameworks and libraries.
  • Human-scale technology Simple code that one person can fully understand and maintain.
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
  • Open and accessible technologies Built to be device-agnostic
  • Resisting obsolescence Rejecting the reliance on proprietary software and formats
  • Sustainability The web’s original design principles of decentralization and non-discrimination.
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web


Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web

No images / No fonts / No javascript

Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web

No images / No fonts / No javascript

Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web

No images / No fonts / No javascript

Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web

No images / No fonts / No javascript

Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web
Theorical & critical background
Low tech & radical web


Theorical & critical background
Craft Practice

Craft Practice / Hand coding

Theorical & critical background
Craft Practice

In today’s highly commercialized web of multinational corporations, proprietary applications, read-only devices, search algorithms, Content Management Systems, WYSIWYG editors, and digital publishers, it becomes an increasingly radical act to hand-code and self-publish experimental web art and writing projects.

J.R. Carpenters

Building a community

Building a community


PrePostPrint highlights experimental publications made with free software.


Building a community
Building a community

PrePostPrint Event PPPrototypes, @Césure, Paris, 20-21 january, 2024.
There were around forty people from France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherland

Building a community
Building a community
Building a community


Building a community
Web to print library

Web to print library

coordinated by Lucile Haute, with Quentin Juhel and Antoine Lefebvre


Building a community
Web to print library

Some books made with paged.js

by graphic designers

Building a community
Web to print library

Nicolas Taffin, Typothérapie, C&F éditions, 2023.

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community
Web to print library

Fair Kin Arts Almanac, SOTA, 2024 / Graphic design: Open Source Publishing

Building a community


Web & print publishing tool for art school dissertations
École supérieure d’art et de design des Pyrénées, developed by Julien Bidoret


Phd Thesis

Phd Thesis

Composing with web technologies

Collective instrumental genesis for the development
of a community of practice of graphic designers

Université Paris 8 – ED 224 / EnsadLab / EUR ArTeC

PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis
PhD thesis



  • julie-blanc.fr / studio-cascade.fr
  • julieblancfr
  • contact@julie-blanc.fr

Made with HTML & CSS